Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Treasure Hunting

Only Sunday night, my husband and I discovered that we had booked ourselves up for the next few weekends, and when we had otherwise planned to make changes to our front garden veggie patch - turning 2 large beds into 4 smaller, more accessible ones.  Realising we only had the next day (Labour Day) to kick off the work, we took some bad measurements in the dark to confirm it would all fit and started work the following day.

The before shot - plus some models in shot
Patch as it currently is..
When dismantling the existing beds we found some treasures:
  • Thousands of bugs and snails that we punted away – begone evil doers - our garden is a snail Sizzler no longer.  If I was my Nona I would have kept them, fed them bran, then starved them and fried them up in butter.  Some delicious irony but not quite to my sensibilities.
  • An eggplant – I’d thought that the plant had been overwhelmed by pumpkin plants..
  • Lots more tomatoes,
  • Found that 3 strawberry plants had created more new plants (21) than strawberries (10)
  • And most excitingly, from the compost there was a little avocado tree, about 20cm high – hurrah!!!

The change isn't finished as we left one half bed in place to keep growing pumpkins - but things are starting to take shape.
With the eggplant and tomato sauce made in recent weeks I made eggplant parmagiana - the best and easiest vegetarian dish I know:
  • Place the thinly sliced eggplant across the bottom of a lasagne dish, cover with grated cheese and sauce, then add another layer of the same until you run out of ingredients.
  • Cook at 200 degrees for half an hour- top should be browned, the dish sizzling and the smell should waft deliciously through the house... 

It is  big week in the kitchen - Irish stew is bubbling on the stove and soda bread is in the oven for tomorrow's St Patrick's day feast, and on Friday, we are having a cacao kapow dinner party in honour of a good friends birthday - should be fun...
On a purely selfish note, if you feel like wasting time on the internet - vote for me 'Gnomey' on the Yates website (for every day that I've blogged there) so that I get heaps of votes and win somethingarather from Yates - coming second at the moment...:
I would be forever grateful!

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